Monday 18 April 2011

The diary of a choc-o-holic

Loves exercise - check!
Loves food - check!
Loves chocolate - check, check!
Main meals, relatively healthy - check!
Works 14 hour day daily, so when I get home - shattered = No time to prep food -  check!
Stress of running two businesses - check again!
Salad dodger - yes, yes, yes!

I have many motivations at this point, some selfish (holiday, new baby, craving energy) but my main focus was business, Nutrition advice is something that was a weakness to me and my business, so I started to do some research into the dietary needs of the body, with the guidance of Ben Gray, I decided to take the plunge and cut out all the rubbish in my life and start supplying my body with what it really needs with the view to developing a plan for my clients to reach their goals!
I think we all think we know what we should cut-out to lose weight, but do we know the right foods to give us more energy, feel better and make our bodies healthier?
Normally, I exercise 3 times per week,  this is enough for me to maintain my fitness but it doesn't really shed much weight  - or is the reason for no weight loss because I am feeding my body with too much of the naughty stuff??
Day one I went out and done my weeks shopping at tesco's, surprisingly I spend half an hour in the whole food and veg section! Once I was back I took my measurements, so I had starting point.

When I first prepped my breakfast and lunch, it took forever!
 It was 5.50am, and the thought of shovelling all that raw veg down my throat was not good, after 15mins it was time to eat - again it took a very long time, something my body was not used too -  my breakfast of Fresh greens, lettuce, spinach, red peppers, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, Hemp oil, avocado, Strawberry, walnuts and cashew nuts took me 20minutes too eat!! How was I going to keep this up??? In time both prep and eating the food shortened.

By the time the evening came I was already thinking about chocolate, my normal routine was - 8pm home, 8.15 dinner, 8.45 finish paperwork etc, 9.15 sit down in front of the tv and eat chocolate  - how was I going to break this cycle? little did I know, psychologically I already had! By getting the right nutrients into my body at an early stage in the day this cut down my cravings, and the "feel good energy factor" I was already feeling, gave me the will power to say "I dont need it"
This continued every evening, although the first 4 nights, I did have Chocolate withdrawals, infact, one night I had the shakes!!
Day 5 was so much easier, I had beaten the cravings, my body already felt cleansed, and I had found my mojo!
The weekend came, some Saturday nights included a DVD, takeaway and, yes you guessed it a chocolate treat! This was going to be tough, we still had our DVD, and I treated myself too Brazil nuts.... Without chocolate!
A week in I decided to jump on the scales, I felt confident as my clothes already fitted better, but I was very surprised to see I was 4lbs lighter!!
The following week was much the same, although I had two functions to attend. Firstly, a close friends tea and cake party - this was easy, I ate before I went out, and stuck to the water for the evening.
The next day, I had a school pal's wedding, it was a grand event, the wine was flowing on my table, minus me but I felt fine...until the cheesecake and truffle tower came out, I sat there for 5 mins - then It had to be done! did I feel guilty? yes! did I let it go me down? not at all! I knew the next day I would be working out - which I did. What I wasn't aware of was the free bar! Im not much of a drinker, however if there is a special occasion - Im on it! This night was different, I wasn't just doing it for me, it was also for my family and clients, I didnt want to let anyone (including myself down) so once again, I stuck to water.
At this stage you are probably thinking why? and how can I keep it up? well firstly , this is a long term health plan, but initially I need to see results and there's only one way of getting this, being as close to 100% immaculate as I can! If this wedding was two months down the line, I wouldn't worry about the dessert or the free bar, we can all have cheat nights, as long as the rest of the time we are being healthy!
Week two's weigh in = total weight loss 7.5lbs!
Week three went very quickly, it was my birthday, a very quiet affair, once you pass 30, I believe that is what happens!! The wife and I were planned a night out so, 19 days in, I took my measurements again - the results were fantastic, so I rewarded myself with whatever I fancied that night - but once again, I was in the gym the next morning!
It is now 23 days into the new plan - I feel fantastic, energy levels are so high, as you can see from my results, they are pretty impressive too.
And what about the future? well, Im off on holiday tomorrow, I will continue to eat healthy, but If I want something naughty, I will have it, I just won't over indulge! My plan once Im back, is to detoxify again for a week or so, then maybe just 3-4 mornings a week of salad.
Looking back at my check list at the top of the page I say to you
"If I can do it, anybody can do it - no excuses!!

23 days of eating healthy:
Weight  -10lbs
Body fat -3.2%
Jean size - down one size
Waist -5cm
Chest -2cm
Visceral fat -2
Muscle mass +2.5%
Weight training 20% increase
Energy levels + 100%

Do you want to find out more and drop a dress/jean size?
Next bootcamp starts tuesday 26th April

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